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Max derungs as of: 06-jun-2020: mavis derungs as of: 20-jul-2020: mauro derungs as of: 20-jul-2020: maurita derungs as of: 09-nov-2020: maurine derungs as of: 09-nov-2020: mauricio derungs as of: 11-jun-2020: maurice derungs as of: 09-nov-2020: maureen derungs as of: 09-nov-2020: maura derungs as of: 20-jul-2020: maudie derungs as of: 16-nov-2020. View the profiles of people named Max Derungs. Join Facebook to connect with Max Derungs and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to. Max Derungs Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.) Mettler Toledo Safeline Ltd Original Assignee Mettler Toledo Safeline Ltd Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Bennett Bums, Max DeRungs, Fred Glick, Hal Keever, Paul Morris, John Nelson, University of Oregon Faculty Advisors: Cynthia Girling, David Hulse, Ron lovinger Cover Design: David Wilson and Robert Ribe. See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
Kelpie Wilson<kel...@gmail.com>Date: Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 11:40 AM
Subject: Secure your spot! Register for FREE Biochar Technology Showcase Events during November 6-9, 2012
To: canisam...@gmail.com, da...@illinois-valley-news.com, Alan & Charlene Eisner <bellalo...@yahoo.com>, Alan Laurie <alalmig...@gmail.com>, Albert Bates <alb...@thefarm.org>, Alex Brendel <abre...@earthlink.net>, Alex Kozlowski <AKozl...@roguecc.edu>, Amanda Ravenhill <ama...@biocharassociation.org>, Amy and Jerry Lapora <amyand...@yahoo.com>, Amy Wilson <amy....@or.usda.gov>, Ananda Floyd <anand...@gmail.com>, Andrea King <mud...@frontiernet.net>, Andrew Crane-Deosh <andr...@berkeley.edu>, Andrew Holm <and...@tierralearningcenter.org>, Andrew Rodman <rod...@teleport.com>, Andy Kerr <andy...@andykerr.net>, Ann Fleischli <aflei...@sprintmail.com>, Anna Ghonim <anna_...@link.net>, Annette Rasch <annet...@frontiernet.net>, Ariel Fisk-Vittori <fiskv...@gmail.com>, Art Donnelly <art.d...@gmail.com>, Audrey Moore <ajm...@cavenet.com>, Barbara Ullian <barbar...@charter.net>, Barry Snitkin <bso...@frontiernet.net>, Bart Anderson <ba...@cwo.com>, Bear Kaufmann <be...@ursine-design.com>, Betsey Norton <bew...@frontiernet.net>, Bill E Gamble <bga...@fs.fed.us>, Bill Gray <joya...@frontiernet.net>, Blair Moody <blair...@blm.gov>, Bob Hunter <b...@waterwatch.org>, Bob Maynard <gpgr...@charter.net>, Bob Schaller <biofue...@gmail.com>, Bobi Harmon-Applegate <harmona...@frontier.net>, Brad Knickerbocker <brad...@aol.com>, Brenda Patton <b...@pattonhome.com>, Brian Herz <br...@climatefoundation.org>, Bruce Donelson <bruced...@gmail.com>, Carol McBride <caro...@frontiernet.net>, Carol Valentine <vale...@cavenet.com>, Celia Alario <ce...@riseup.net>, Chad Kruger <cekr...@cahnrs.wsu.edu>, Charles and Stephanie Riddles <riddle...@gmail.com>, Charles Berkstresser <cha...@tragaluz.us>, Charles Davis <ch...@cavenet.com>, Charley Greenwood <gnw...@cavenet.com>, Charlie Mitchell <Cha...@soredi.org>, Charlie Sellers <csell...@yahoo.com>, Charlotte Hutt <CH...@roguecc.edu>, Chery Sullivan <CHS...@ecy.wa.gov>, Chip Weinert <Ch...@3-dt.com>, Chip Wienert <chip....@gmail.com>, Chris -FS Johnson <cjoh...@fs.fed.us>, Christian Bach <cb...@northamericanbiomass.com>, Christian Roy <cr...@pyrovac.com>, Christine Gardiner <christine.p...@gmail.com>, Christy Kuper <romai...@yahoo.com>, Dale Hendricks <da...@greenlightplants.com>, DALE RAU <dale...@blm.gov>, Dallion <dall...@yahoo.com>, Dana Stolzman <s...@calsalmon.org>, Daniel Dalegowski <daniel.d...@gmail.com>, Daniel Sheff <key...@cavenet.com>, Darlene Southworth <south...@sou.edu>, Darlyn Wendlandt <Darlyn....@evergreenps.org>, Dave Hanger <amuseda...@gmail.com>, dave maiz <da...@frontiernet.net>, Dave McKenna <dmck...@aceconsult.com>, David Andersson <david.a...@ecoera.se>, David Morell <da...@sonomabiocharinitiative.org>, David Perry <dave_p...@msn.com>, David R Parks <drp...@stanford.edu>, David Wilson <dcwi...@venearth.com>, Dean Still <de...@aprovecho.org>, Deb Lukas <spi...@spiralliving.org>, Debbie Dumroese <ddum...@fs.fed.us>, Debbie Lukas <sis...@gmail.com>, Denis Hayes <denisha...@yahoo.com>, Dick and Midge Thierolf <thie...@mind.net>, Dick Waring <richar...@oregonstate.edu>, Dominick DellaSala <domi...@nccsp.org>, Don Belleville <dbell...@fs.fed.us>, Don Fisher <d...@arcsource.com>, Don Hamann <dh...@peoplepc.com>, Don Hennick <d.he...@comcast.net>, Don Roof <don...@charter.net>, Donna Belle <donna...@gmail.com>, doranne long <doran...@hotmail.com>, Doug Heiken <dh.ore...@gmail.com>, Dougal Thomson <dougal...@economist.com>, Drew Schaefer <dsch...@sunmarkenvironmental.com>, Drew Zwart <dr...@uw.edu>, Editor <bioc...@jgpress.com>, Editor <energyb...@postcarbon.org>, Elaine Wood <ela...@frontiernet.net>, 'Elmer (Dusty) R Moller' <dmo...@unr.edu>, Eric <er...@tierralearningcenter.org>, Eric Jules <eric...@humboldt.edu>, Eric Mc Clusky <er...@grosolar.com>, Erich Knight <she...@aol.com>, Erika Fehr <er...@em-solutions.org>, Erin Rasmussen <er...@trmiles.com>, 'Erwin F. Sawall' <edsa...@frontiernet.net>, Evan Short <sobo...@gmail.com>, Frank Burris <frank...@oregonstate.edu>, Frank Shields <fr...@compostlab.com>, Gabe C -FS Dumm <gd...@fs.fed.us>, Gary Buck <joeb...@gmail.com>, Gloria Flora <gfl...@biochar-us.org>, Gordon Lyford <ca...@frontiernet.net>, Grace <wildch...@yahoo.com>, Granatstein <gra...@wsu.edu>, Greg Cosman <bradpl...@gmail.com>, greg nagle <gnagl...@yahoo.com>, Gregory John Stangl <sta...@phoenixenergy.net>, Gregory S Orton <gor...@fs.fed.us>, Guenter Ambron <cm...@cavenet.com>, Hal Collins <Hal.C...@ars.usda.gov>, Han-Sup Han <hh...@humboldt.edu>, Henry Fountain <foun...@nytimes.com>, henry maclin <henry...@gmail.com>, Howard A Sprouse <hspr...@theremediators.com>, Howard Boyte <how...@walkingpointfarms.com>, Howard Brockhouse <hbroc...@bbiinternational.com>, Howard Sprouse <hspr...@gmail.com>, 'J.D. Tovey' <jd....@carboncultures.com>, Jack Dwyer <dw...@cavenet.com>, Jack Leroy <jackl...@aol.com>, James E Amonette <jim.a...@pnl.gov>, James G Archuleta <jgarc...@fs.fed.us>, Jan Lundberg <culturech...@gmail.com>, Jason Aramburu <ja...@re-char.com>, Jay Hasty <julia...@gmail.com>, Jay Lininger <jay.l...@gmail.com>, Jeanne Howell <JHo...@roguecc.edu>, Jeff Duewel <jdu...@thedailycourier.com>, Jeff Schahczenski <je...@ncat.org>, Jeffrey Wallin <Je...@ecotechnologies.com>, Jennifer Barker <in...@solwest.org>, Jenny Knoth <jenny...@carboncultures.com>, Jerry Ericsson <je...@diacarbon.com>, Jerry Harrison <j...@venearth.com>, Jerry Lapora <jma...@excite.com>, Jerry Scharf <sch...@greenpyro.com>, Jerry Whitfield <jerry.w...@gmail.com>, Jim Fournier <jim.f...@gmail.com>, Jim Gurley <jjgu...@gmail.com>, jim karnofski <kar...@hotmail.com>, jim mason <jimm...@gmail.com>, Jim McBride <jcm...@hotmail.com>, Joe Parks <takil...@frontiernet.net>, John Gardiner <john.l...@gmail.com>, John Miedema <jmie...@peak.org>, John Moussouris <jpm...@yahoo.com>, John Robbins <jo...@yesworld.org>, John Schaeffer <jo...@realgoods.com>, Jon Stahl <jons...@gmail.com>, Jonah G Levine <jona...@gmail.com>, Jonah Levine <levin...@hotmail.com>, Joni D Brazier <jdbr...@fs.fed.us>, Joseph Vaile <jos...@kswild.org>, josiah hunt <josia...@me.com>, Joy and Eric McEwen <diggi...@digginlivin.com>, Joya Feltzin <jo...@frontiernet.net>, Joyce Fisher <jcfi...@gmail.com>, Judith Harwood <judith_...@yahoo.com>, Julie Norman <ju...@juliekaynorman.com>, Justin Cullumbine <jus...@lomakatsi.org>, k Schubert <ksch...@fs.fed.us>, Karen A Bennett <kabe...@fs.fed.us>, Karen Chase <Karen...@state.or.us>, Karen Pickett <kpick...@gmail.com>, Kas -FS Dumroese <kdum...@fs.fed.us>, Kate Dwyer <kate...@frontiernet.net>, Katherine Roncalio <katherin...@gmail.com>, Kathryn Alexander <ethica...@gmail.com>, Kayla Starr <sta...@gmail.com>, Kelly Green <daydrea...@gmail.com>, Kenny Houck <km...@cavenet.com>, Kent Fisher <ken...@gmail.com>, Kent Knock <kent...@yahoo.com>, Kerry Whitehead <kwenerg...@frontiernet.net>, Kevin Coupee <practic...@yahoo.com>, Kevin Elliott Parks <kpa...@uoregon.edu>, Kevin Martin <kdma...@fs.fed.us>, Kevin Preister <kevinp...@gmail.com>, Kevn Aschim <kevin...@arc.ab.ca>, Kim Marks <kim.l...@gmail.com>, Kim Marx <lob...@yahoo.com>, Kimberley Gomes <kgo...@sfchronicle.com>, Kindi Fahrnkopf <fah...@frontiernet.net>, Krantz <dkr...@fs.fed.us>, Kristin McElligott <kristin....@gmail.com>, Larry Holzgang <larry....@state.or.us>, Larry Swan <lsw...@fs.fed.us>, Laurel Sutherlin <lau...@ran.org>, Lawrence Carson <lca...@atica.us>, Len Lea <len...@yahoo.com>, Lesley Adams <les...@kswild.org>, Lester & Judy Hoyle <ja...@cavenet.com>, Linda Corey <lcore...@yahoo.com>, Linda Serrano <lss...@gmail.com>, Lisa Kelz <l...@frontiernet.net>, Lopa Brunjes <lopa....@gmail.com>, Lori K <Diggm...@aol.com>, lou gold <lou...@gmail.com>, Louis Miller <lo...@southforkwoodproducts.com>, Lourdes Haro <lourd...@yahoo.com>, luann walsh <luana...@yahoo.com>, Lyndia Hammer <lyndia...@gmail.com>, Maelagh Baker <mael...@gmail.com>, Malcolm 'Max' DeRungs <m...@maxderungs.com>, Manual Garcia-Perez <mgarci...@ad.wsu.edu>, Marc G Kramer <mgkr...@fs.fed.us>, Marcus Kauffman <marcu...@gmail.com>, Marcy Sowa <so...@copper.net>, Margaret Philhower <olys...@yahoo.com>, Marjorie Reynolds <marje...@frontiernet.net>, Mark Coleman <mcol...@uidaho.edu>, Mark Fuchs <mfu...@ecy.wa.gov>, Mark Kelz <beth...@frontiernet.net>, Marko Bey <ma...@lomakatsi.org>, Markus Kleber <Markus...@oregonstate.edu>, Mary Camp <ma...@rogueriver.net>, Mary Reynolds <marybr...@frontiernet.net>, Matt Renner <matt...@gmail.com>, Matthew Molyneaux <growing...@msn.com>, Maura Gallagher <narwha...@yahoo.com>, Maureen Hanson <hansonm...@yahoo.com>, Maureen Jules <mjone...@gmail.com>, Max Bennett <max.b...@oregonstate.edu>, Max DeRungs <m...@dovecreekacres.com>, Meghana Rao <megha...@gmail.com>, Merlin Berg <merli...@or.usda.gov>, Michael Maki <agr...@localaccess.com>, Michael Theroux <mthe...@terutalk.com>, Michael Wittman <mic...@theblueskyenterprise.com>, Michelle Binker <michell...@gmail.com>, Mikal Jakubal <mjak...@gmail.com>, Mike Petersen <mpet...@landscouncil.org>, Morgan Williams <mor...@fluxfarm.com>, Mort and Elaine Mondale <onan...@frontiernet.net>, naomi yup <naom...@hotmail.com>, Nathaniel M Anderson <nmand...@fs.fed.us>, Office <off...@breitenbush.com>, Omar Ghonim <innerm...@yahoo.com>, Osama Ghonim <osama...@live.com>, oshana catranides <osh...@gmail.com>, Pat Rasmussen <pa...@crcwnet.com>, Patrick Mazza <pat...@climatesolutions.org>, Paul Fattig <pfa...@mailtribune.com>, 'Paul S. Anderson' <psan...@ilstu.edu>, Paul Smith <paulsmi...@gmail.com>, Pedro Tama <gpt...@gmail.com>, Peter Hirst <pe...@newenglandbiochar.org>, Peter Kmet <pkm...@ecy.wa.gov>, Peter Weisberg <pwei...@climatetrust.org>, petrowski stan <sta...@surcp.org>, Philip Small <e.phil...@gmail.com>, Preston Moser <mo...@sou.edu>, Rachael Norman <rac...@allpowerlabs.org>, Rachel Goodman <rgood...@yahoo.com>, Raymond Baltar <ray...@moonvalleystudio.com>, Raymond Gallian <rgal...@comcast.net>, Red Garner <redg...@gmail.com>, Renel Anderson <renel...@yahoo.com>, Rhys Roth <rh...@climatesolutions.org>, Rich Fairbanks <rfair...@wild.net>, Rich Nawa <ri...@siskiyou.org>, Richard Dale <ric...@sonomaecologycenter.org>, Richard Haard <ric...@nas.com>, Richard Heinberg <rhei...@igc.org>, Rob Lerner <baj...@gmail.com>, Robert Budge <rbu...@fs.fed.us>, Robert Crowe <rmcr...@gmail.com>, Robert D Barnhart <rdbar...@fs.fed.us>, Robert Flanagan <robertf...@ge-bio.com>, Robert Schaller <ban...@msn.com>, Robert Shull <rsh...@fs.fed.us>, 'Robert W. Gray' <bob...@shaw.ca>, Romain Cooper <rom...@frontiernet.net>, Ron Larson <rongre...@comcast.net>, Roxy Sincerny <sinc...@gmail.com>, Roy -FS Bergstrom <rberg...@fs.fed.us>, Roy Leon <roy...@frontiernet.net>, Sam <s...@tierralearningcenter.org>, sarah mayer <sjm...@yahoo.com>, Sari Gelzer <sarig...@yahoo.com>, scott greacen <sc...@wildcalifornia.org>, Scott Scholefield <scott.sc...@gmail.com>, Sean Hendrix <sean....@hotmail.com>, Shanda <sha...@tierralearningcenter.org>, Shane Jimerfield <sh...@siskiyou.org>, Sherry Balkenhol <sbalk...@gmail.com>, Sjoding <sjod...@energy.wsu.edu>, Spencer Lennard <bigwi...@gmail.com>, Stephanie Odell <stephan...@blm.gov>, Stephanie Tidwell <step...@kswild.org>, Steve DiCicco <dicic...@hotmail.com>, STEVE HAMBLIN <esha...@q.com>, Steve Orr <stev...@frontiernet.net>, Steve Roach <sroa...@hotmail.com>, Steve Whitney <swhi...@bullitt.org>, Sue Lily <sl...@mac.com>, Sunny Castillo <sunny....@ak.usda.gov>, Susan Chapp <forestr...@cavenet.com>, Taleesun Baker <tale...@gmail.com>, Terry Davis <terryd...@gmail.com>, Thayer Tomlinson <Tha...@energyandsecurity.com>, Thomas K Miles <tkm...@trmiles.com>, Timothy Allard Bybee <timb...@gmail.com>, Tom DeLuca <t.h....@bangor.ac.uk>, Tom Miles <tmi...@trmiles.com>, Tom Skeele <tom.f...@gmail.com>, Trip Allen <tr...@biocharm.com>, Tyrone Houck <her...@frontiernet.net>, VALERIE KELLY <free2...@hotmail.com>, Victoria Kamsler <vkam...@gmail.com>
Reserve Your Spot: BiocharTechnology Showcase Events during November 6-9, 2012
These free events are filling up fast! Saveyour spot now - pre-register at http://carboncultures.com/carbon-cultures-showcase-event/
Register for one or moredays – identical program schedule each day, but test burns will take place atdifferent sites.
Mobile Biochar TechnologyComes to the Southern Oregon Woods
Waste-to-wealth technology transforms burn pilesfrom cost center to profit center – public invited to demonstrations andlectures during November 6-9
Hosted by: Carbon Cultures, Illinois ValleyForest Practices Committee, Forestry Action Committee and Illinois ValleyBusiness Entrepreneurial Center (IVBEC)
Who should attend:
·Forestry contractors
·Forest management agencypersonnel
·Fire Departments
·Land owners concerned with fuelload reduction
·Farmers and gardeners
·Compost producers and gardencenters
·Anyone interested insustainability, air quality or climate change mitigation
Dates: November 6, 7, 8, 9
Pre-order your gourmet box lunch to eat in the field whileobserving the biochar technology in action!http://carboncultures.com/carbon-cultures-showcase-event/
Time: 10 am until 11:30 morninglecture, followed by a demonstration in the field in the afternoon. We willfinish by 5pm. IMPORTANT: we areoffering the identical program on each of the 4 days so as many people aspossible can attend.You only needto register for one of the days. The morning sessions will provide anoverview of what biochar is and an introduction to the Carbon Cultures patentedmobile biochar producing technology.At11:30 am we will organize carpools and head out into the field to make biochar.We will eat lunch in the field, and a local caterer is providing a deliciousgourmet lunch with afternoon snacks for $12. You must order and pay for lunchin advance. Or you are welcome to bring your own sack lunch. For those whocan’t make the daytime event, on Wednesday November 7th there will be anevening event covering the overview of biochar with an introduction to thetechnology from 7-9 pm at the Kerby Belt Building.
Location: All of the morning sessions and theWednesday evening session will be held at the RCC Belt Building in Kerby,Oregon, 29 miles south of Grants Pass. (Kerby Belt Building, 24353 RedwoodHighway, Kerby, OR 97531) Afternoon demonstrations will be conducted in nearbyfield sites with the cooperation of the US Forest Service, BLM and privateforestry contractors. Directions to each site and carpooling arrangements willbe arranged during each morning session.
Directions: From I-5 take Exit 55 at GrantsPass, OR and onto US-199 towards Crescent City, CA for 29 miles. The BeltBuilding will be on the left near the intersection of US-199 and School Streetin Kerby, OR.
More about Carbon Cultures
CarbonCultures is a company formed by students at theUniversity of Washington to develop a mobile biochar technology.The National Science Foundation awarded thegroup $50,000 last year to commercialize their invention. The technologyconsists of a heat-resistant cover that can be placed over a slash pile to forma biochar-baking kiln.Biochar is madeby thermal degradation of biomass in the absence of oxygen. The cover controlsthe airflow to the burning slash pile, allowing limited air for some combustionto provide heat for baking, while excluding enough air to promote the formationof charcoal. In pilot studies on half-ton slash piles, the cover converted woodwaste into biochar with 20-30 percent efficiency. Compared to an open fire, thetechnology significantly reduces the amount of smoke and particulate pollutionreleased into the air, while producing a valuable product, biochar.The biochar can either be left in place toimprove forest soils on site, or it can be collected and sold for use as a soilamendment for gardens and farms.
More about biochar
Biochar is charcoal that is suitable for useas a soil amendment. Biochar is a stable form of carbon that will last forhundreds to thousands of years in soil. Biochar has been shown to provide manybenefits to soil structure, improving retention of water and nutrients andsupporting soil life.Biochar alsoserves to sequester carbon in soils, providing an important pathway forremoving carbon from the atmosphere to mitigate climate change.
Contact for moreinformation:
Jenny Knoth, Carbon Cultures, jenny...@carboncultures.com
JD Tovey, Carbon Cultures, jd.tovey@carboncultures.com
Kelpie Wilson, Illinois Valley ForestPractices Committee, for questions please call: 541-592-3083 or 541-218-9890kelpiew@gmail.com
Local lodging for those coming from out oftown:
Carbon Cultures
Forestry Action Committee
--Ms.Kelpie Wilson
Biochar Consultant
Email: kel...@gmail.com
Home Office: 541-592-3083
Mobile: 541-218-9890
Google Voice: 646-535-7439 (646-kelpiew)
Skype: kelpie.wilson
Comments are closed.